Lancashire SEND IAS

Lancashire SEND IAS

Information, advice and support for Special Educational Needs and Disability

More information and support

A good place to start

If you’re looking for information about education, health and care services available for children and young people with SEND and their families go to…

Lancashire’s SEND Local Offer website or the local offer on Facebook

In-depth or specific help

If you need more detailed information about any SEND issue or would like to talk things over, contact us! We also have details of other helpful SEND websites.

Tel: 0300 123 6706 or email:

Legal information and advice

If you want to know the law around SEND, including SEN support, EHC plans, tribunals and exclusions – go to IPSEA (Independent Providers of Special Educational Advice).

Mentoring and support

Navigate from Scope is a national mentoring service that provides online emotional support for parents and carers of disabled children who are finding out about their child’s additional needs. It is a 6-week programme that puts you in touch with a personal adviser, who will help you to talk about your feelings and concerns. It’s open to any parent or carer who:

  • lives in England or Wales
  • has parental responsibility for a child under 18
  • has a child on a pathway to diagnosis or who has received one in the last year